Meet the Fockers
Ben Stiller, the famous comedian actor known for his role in several successful movies (There's Something About Mary, Zoolander, Meet the Fockers), recently shared to the public that he has battled an aggressive form of prostate cancer. He's says he's been cancer-free for the past couple years, and the whole experience has opened his eyes and taught him about this common condition.
That's great for him. I'm happy to know that he was able to detect the abnormal prostate cells and he was able to take action. He had his prostate removed and now he's healthy. (Or is he?)
He said he was "lucky enough to have a doctor who gave me what they call a “baseline” PSA test when I was about 46."
He continues, "I have no history of prostate cancer in my family and I am not in the high-risk group, being neither — to the best of my knowledge — of African or Scandinavian ancestry. I had no symptoms."
No symptoms.
To me, those two words shine out at me.
The medical industry creates dozens of different types of tests for the purpose of early detection. For people with 'no symptoms'. They call it 'preventative health'. Well, is that really preventative?
You go in for your prostate exam, which is called a PSA, and it's a simple blood test. Or, women can do monthly breast exams searching for abnormal lumps in the breast tissue. A routine exam by a trained gynaecologist will also do a standard manual breast exam on you too.
These are what we call 'preventative tests'.
But how preventative are they?
Because, you can have these tests done and then you get the results back, but those tests only tell you whether or not the abnormality was detectable. How can you know that your body is functioning optimally, with normal activity in your cells?
Once you get a positive result back (meaning, finding out that you have abnormal growth and a possible cancer diagnosis), by that time wouldn't you feel that it's too late?
So how do you ensure that your body is actually healthy and functioning normally?
That's where chiropractic comes in.
It's the chiropractic lifestyle.
People who receive regular chiropractic care report better overall quality of life, better health, stronger immune systems, and more certainty and trust in the way their body works.
My view is that chiropractic care is the true way of living 'preventative care'.
Year after year we can go get these tests done to calm our nerves to find out that we're OK and there's no abnormal result. But year after year, what are you actively doing to ensure that those test results will be clear?
In Ben Stiller's article he shares that he had his prostate removed. What he didn't mention is if he knew what to do now once the prostate is gone.
My question to Ben is, "How do you know that what was causing your prostate to grow abnormally is now remedied?"
My opinion is that you can't just take out an organ and then wipe your hands clean feeling confident that your body isn't going to grow other abnormal organ cells somewhere else.
Basically, if the cells in one organ in your body became dysfunctional, how can you expect that any other part of your body is actually safe?
Let's consider first that the body is not just like a car and there are parts. The body is a whole functioning machine more than the sum of all of its parts.
The most important 'part' of your body is the hub of your body. The hard drive.
The Central Nervous System.
You have to keep that healthy in order for you to keep the rest of the body healthy.
My point is, regular chiropractic adjustments keep the central nervous system clear, which allows for your body to function as optimally as possible. Ben Stiller is missing one thing. He's taken out the faulty organ, but then now he needs to go to the source and keep his nervous system healthy with chiropractic care (if he hasn't yet).
Because if anyone expects that their body isn't going to become dysfunctional without taking care of the main source of health and function, then how is that being proactive and 'preventative'?
Regular chiropractic care is the best way to increase your chances that your tests will continually be clear.
(Other factors have to be included in your lifestyle such as nutrition, positive and happy thinking, exercise, proper sleep, healthy social and relationship life, etc. Nothing is guaranteed, and nothing is an absolute. And starting with chiropractic care regularly is the best probably outcome.)
— Dr MaryAnne