The Womanly Arts


A few weeks ago I sent out an email asking you if you’ve said, “I love you” to someone recently.

Many of you responded to assure me that you had said a few ‘I-love-yous’ that morning. Excellent! It’s so important to say that regularly to the people you love.

Now, what about you? 

How well do you treat yourself? How selfish are you? What have you done today that gives you, and only you, pleasure?

You know when you’re in a plane and during the flight safety presentation they tell you to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you reach over and put it on anyone else? Yeah, that's because you can't help anyone if you’re having a hard time staying alive. Pretty common sense, right?

But that’s not automatically something we do on a regular basis.

Self-care. That’s more important than anything else.

Back when I was single and living in New York, I discovered a fantastic, brilliant institute which held seminars for women.

It’s called Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts.

I learned so much about myself and about what lights me up and gives me pleasure and happiness in my life. 

The ‘Womanly Arts’ didn’t come automatic to me, yet as I learned them, they became more and more natural to me. That's because they are.

It gave me the tools and understanding about me in these ways:

  1. Live and lead my life through my desires.
  2. There’s always a choice in life, and those choices have to be driven by pleasure.
  3. Focus on what what lights me up, puts a smile on my face, and makes me want to dance.
  4. Take care of myself with the highest level of care and respect.
  5. Do something everyday that gives me pleasure and allows me to see how grateful I am for my life.

What? You say? This is totally NOT what we're used to. That’s because we live in a culture where we're taught to hold back, put ourselves second or third, we judge, we make excuses, and we end up becoming miserable in the process.

Alongside that misery is usually poor health, pain, and low energy.

An essential part of self-care is knowing how to keep yourself healthy and feeling good. 

Chiropractic fits into this equation pretty damn well.

Chiropractic is about keeping your spine balanced. Making sure your central nervous system, the master system of the body, clear of interferences.

Getting adjusted regularly enhances the functioning of your whole body because everything is well connected. 

And, an added bonus: good posture is attractive.

Stop making excuses. Stop putting yourself second. Do something for yourself. Choose what you desire.

And we all desire good health and feeling great.

See you at your next adjustment!