Learn how to play Mozart in 12 lessons

Music has been very much around me in many ways all my life.

I used to play the piano from ages nine to seventeen.

I've been feeling the effects of music more, putting me in happier states and simply wanting to sing and dance.

Also, interestingly for some reason, a few of my newest practice members are music professionals.

You know what they say about the law of attraction? 

I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

Bottom line is, I love music.

Love it.

Which is why when I describe what Network Spinal Analysis and chiropractic is, I use the analogy of learning an instrument.

I don't use it for everyone (because some people have never really picked up an instrument, or can't remember what it felt like).

Still, I can also use the analogy for how adjustments work.

Lots of people who walk into my practice are in pain.

Lots of pain.

For years.

And often, many of these people have pretty messed up spines.

Locked up joints in the back.

Tight muscles.

Soreness and achiness.

Degeneration of the bones.


Loss of function and motion.

Not. Good.

No bueno.

So they sign up for the Wellness Package, 12 adjustments, hoping it'll be the answer to all their pain.

What I wanna say is "Do you think you'll learn how to play a Mozart piece after 12 lessons?"

Here's the answer.

No siree, Bob.

You might become more familiar with Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So.

But it ain't a symphony.

Which is why it's difficult to tell people the message.

The situation is simple.

You have a stressful life.

You work.

Many of you work at a desk hunched over.


Many of you have bad posture.

If you're lucky, your pain and poor health won't hit you until you're 50. Or 60.

If you're unlucky, you'll feel like shit in your early 20s.

Either way, taking action when your body is screaming for help is NOT the way to go.

The best way is to start NOW.

Some people take action when the body is whispering, "Ooouuuuch. Dooooo sooommmething."

And most people wait until they are fugked.

(It's not what I tell people in the practice, although I have a sneaking suspicion that most people already know that they are fugked. I don't really need to tell them.)

By the time people wait until that point where you need damage control, 12 adjustments is JUST THE BEGINNING.

It's only scratching the surface.

I'll give it to ya straight: most people need to commit to a year of regular care in order for their bodies to get to a much better state of health.

It's not for you?


I respect everyone's choice.

The important point is that it's my responsibility to INFORM everyone.

And I'll keep informing you.

Over and over and over again.

That's how important it is.

So, do you want to learn only how to play do, re, mi, fa, so on the piano?

Or would you like to learn how to smash Eine Kleine Nachtmusik?

Well, it's going to take more than 12 sessions for that to happen.

Up to you.

See you at your next adjustment!

— Dr MaryAnne