She thought she was cheating on me
“I’m having an affair!”
One of my long-term lovely wonderful practice members said that to me recently.
"I didn't know what to say to you. I feel like I'm having an affair. I'm cheating on you!"
She was in with her 6-week-old baby for their weekly adjustment.
"Oh, I feel so bad!"
Yup. She was serious.
I could tell that she genuinely felt bad.
"I'm taking her to the osteopath next week."
That's what she feels bad about?
"Oh don't be silly," is what I said back to her.
I can understand her feelings because she's been coming to see me for her adjustments way back when she was pregnant with her first child.
With all my long-term practice members, it's an honour and a joy to adjust people for such an extended period of time.
That's the practice I've built.
Family Wellness.
For life.
That's what it's all about.
And I also know that there are many other experts that are excellent and able to help many people as well.
Including osteopaths.
Most of the osteopaths I've met are great.
They see many babies as well and they do similar things that I do.
That's because the practices are quite similar.
It's important to do what you think and feel is best for yourself and your children.
Who I am is just another expert who will always serve you and give the best care, advice, and support possible.
People ask me questions all the time, and I will always asses the situation and give my best most knowledgable advice possible.
If I don't know the answer, then I'll say, "I don't know."
My practice member wasn't cheating on me.
No affair happening here.
Plus, she was being honest!
That's not having an affair.
She didn't even go to the other expert yet, so no affair even happened!
The bottom line is, if chiropractic care helps your life and health, and you choose me, then I'll always be available to help and serve you with the best of my abilities.
My passion and mission is to help as many babies, children, and families to live their most healthy and extraordinary lives.
I believe that chiropractic care is a huge component of achieving that.
Osteopathy, massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture, or other body healing modalities all play a part in helping achieve health, too.
It's how and what you find to help your body heal itself, where it's designed to reorganise to higher levels of health.
Chiropractic will always be a part of my life for me, for my health as well as my family's.
I definitely need other expert help to keep me energised and fully functional.
And I also have a much-loved one that brings me a whole lotta pleasure 3-4 times a week:
Red wine!
See you at your next adjustment!
— Dr MaryAnne