Grateful...and annoyed.
I'm back in London!
(Scroll down for my photos!)
Even though my trip to Haiti was only 7 days (8 days including travel), it feels like I've been away for a while.
Because it was such an eye-opening, mind-blowing, transformative experience!
We adjusted all these girls!
Being in a third-world country felt like a whole different world.
It is extremely humbling.
Do you know how blessed we all are?
I thought I did.
Gratefulness is a virtue that I hold very close and dear to my daily living practice, and it's something that I teach my children nearly every day.
Being with the children in the mud villages of Ouanaminthe, Haiti really gave me a new level of what gratefulness is all about.
Having fun taking selfies of the chiropractic students and local children.
Have you ever visited a third-world country?
If you have, then you can understand how one might feel that life isn't fair for some.
And yet, in all the heat, dirt, mud, lack of food, broken shoes, ripped clothing, and minimal basic comfortable needs we take for granted, these people are probably some of the happiest and kindest people I've ever met!
The children don't have toys, let alone digital devices or tablets.
They just spend their days playing with rocks, or used footballs, made-up games, playing pattycake pattycake. Anything to keep themselves entertained with basically nothing.
I got to adjust a tired hard-working pony!
And all these kids wanted to do was smile and hug me.
It was very moving.
When you look into a person's eyes, connect with their true authentic energy, and then invite them to lay face down on the chiropractic table for an adjustment, it doesn't matter where they live, how much money they have, what their status is, or what kind of job they have.
Because most of these people don't even have a job. And if they do, they are making $30 a week.
Now, after my trip, this is what I discovered and know:
Touching and adjusting a human spine, one at a time, to help them, to give them my care and service, to help their brain and bodies and whole systems integrate and reorganize, is all that matters deep down to the core.
Everything else is just stories, drama, and circumstances.
My spine isn't more important than the poor starving mother with 6 children in Ouanaminthe Haiti, or any other mother in the world.
Giving, serving, and loving to these people, to anyone, has always been, and always will be my purpose.
And going on this mission trip was just another way to remind me of that.
This little girl was so affectionate, and many of the children loved to be hugged and held. So much love!
I am beyond grateful for the gifts this trip brought me.
(And I'm also annoyed that I need to sit here all week in self-isolation and quarantine before I get to adjust all of your spines! Still, I am grateful that I get to stay home, and not a hotel near Heathrow!)
I'm looking forward to share my mission trip stories with you all when I see you.
See you at your next adjustment!
(All adjustments resume next week, provided that my COVID tests are all negative, and I'm released!)
- Dr MaryAnne
From the donations to the charity, the orphanage and birthing center received two new TVs! During every trip, Dr. Peter Morgan and all of the participants bring useful and generous gifts to the children living at the orphanage. There is always a wonderful donation ‘ceremony’ to present these gifts to them.
There were so many babies to adjust!
The brand new birthing center, which is the first chiropractic birthing center in the world with midwifery care. Dr. Peter Morgan and other board members, including the midwives are all joined in. It was an honor to be in this photo with them!
Kids loved getting into my selfies.
Here is Daniel, one of the chiropractic students, adjusting the local children.
Back at the hotel, I did a couple of adjusting sessions for the students. They wanted to discover more about Network Spinal chiropractic!
A small family of sheep casually walking past us.
We went to this part of the village a couple times, and these children remembered me. They followed me around everywhere.
During one of the many adjusting sessions of the local people of Dajabon on the Haitian and Dominican Republic border.