#masterclassAF Healthy Brain Program Fee

#masterclassAF Healthy Brain Program Fee


This program is a 8-week course, starting on 20 January 2020. Once your purchase has been completed, you will immediately receive the Child History Form in your email. Please complete this form and email it back. Live calls will normally be on Zoom. Please download the app to access the calls: https://zoom.us/. This pilot course fee includes all calls, and all instruction to help your child’s brain function improve.

By signing up for this program, you agree not only to participate each week, you also agree to add suggestions to changes, edits, content material, and questions in order to help add to future programs for the next participants.

I am looking forward to working with you!

Sign Up!

This live group workshop is an 8-week interactive live video/call via Zoom platform. Weekly calls will be recorded and each week’s call will be emailed to you to access on your own time. The best outcome is dependent on you participating on each live call, asking questions, listening to the other participants, as well as applying all the exercises we go over each week.